Great Lakes Fiber Show News
Expansion Plan
Hello Everyone,
We are starting to gear up for the 2024 Great Lakes Fiber Show!
I am happy to report that all of the booths have been spoken for and we are generating a waiting list.
We are planning to add additional space to the show. We need to improve our food vendor space. The plan right now is to move the food vendors to the outside of building 33 (the hog barn) and have tables and chairs inside for people to sit. We are also working on a systems where exhibitors won't have to wait in line. Since we have a lot of additional space (!), we can also set up an area for demonstrators and for people who want to bring their projects to work on in a social setting. I would like to have a "host/hostess" in this area to facilitate and have someone to go to if there is a problem.
At some time in the future we may want to offer space in this building for additional vendors.
Liz Zimbello and her team are in the process of investigating another event in addition to the Dog Rodeo. This new event will be on the west side of building 33 (hog building). No final plans have been made yet. Dog Rodeo will return this year.
We will have space for a raffle. We have a spinning wheel from Connie King which we can use as the main item. We can always ask for additional items from the vendors to supplement the raffle. Diane Phillips is looking into this We will need a few people to make this happen.
One of the problems we have is that we have no idea how many people attend the show. The plan is to give each person a raffle ticket when they enter the grounds. We can then calculate how many tickets we have given out to give us a ball park number. We will also sell tickets at the table.
We have a new vendor that I am excited about. See Teeshopz below.
Mandi Herrington is heading a team to try to develop a Animal Swap Meet. This will be housed in the main part of the sheep barn. She also has some ideas to increase our educational offerings.
Sharon McElroy is planning on having a giving tree. Nancy Ganyard is going to man this station. I am sure she would like some help. We will also need additional people for the Information Booth.

TeeShopz – Brock
Example store
Hi All,
Diane found a on line shop in Massillon that offer tee shirts and other products, IE, sweat shirts, hoodies etc.
After talking with him, I have offered a double booth for his participation. I am not charging a booth fee as we will consider it as part of our fund raising effort.
They recommend setting up a store about a month before the show and running it until about a month after the show. During this time they will take and process orders and will set up for two days during the show. I am looking for additional members to help.
The way they run their business is to offer a base price for the product and printing service and the non-profit can add on to that. IE. If a shirt's cost + printing is $12 then we could add on $8 and the item would cost $20. Purchaser would pay for shipping.
They will set us up a shop with items for sale. They will take the orders, make the orders and ship the orders and we would get the profit we added on.
Not only that, they will come to the event and print items at the event. They are offering a new process which prints from a .psd, .jpg, .gif. The higher the resolution the better the print. He said the the process is about 15 seconds. Evidently silk screen is on the way out. There is a possibility that people could print their own photos. Lots to think about!
They will bring the stock and take excess stock home with them.
Many ideas on how to utilize this program are popping into my head.
If you have ideas please share. Right now Diane is willing to be on the committee to set this up and we need others to help.
I think that we need to think about art work. I like our logo but I think that this process can offer so much more.
We need to move on this fairly quickly to get everything in place.